Assorted Decorations

Look at this, I’m posting about something actually important for once! Well, not to say that things like drinks aren’t important - they certainly are, especially for a couple of the girls who are coming. But there are things more vital to the party than that. Like decorations, for example! I did some power searching this morning and I found a couple more decoration-type items that I think I’ll get for the party. First, there’s a centerpiece.

You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find a bachelorette party center piece not shaped like a penis. That’s got to be the item with the most penis varieties out there, hands down. But luckily, I found this one! This should look very nice on the dining room table.
Next up, I found this
banner that spells out “Bachelorette Party”.

Unfortunately, it’s sold out right now, but it was literally the only banner I could find that didn’t have penises on it. So hopefully it will get back in stock so I can buy it, because I really want to have something hanging from the doorway from the living room to the kitchen, since those are going to be the two main rooms for the party.
Lastly for this post is a decoration that I’m a little torn on whether or not to get. It’s the decoration everyone loves to use but everyone hates to clean up. It’s

I really like the style of this, it’s cute and sexy and would be fun to throw around. But, of course, there’s the problem of cleaning it up. I absolutely hate vacuuming confetti out of the carpet. You can never seem to get it all. But I had a thought - it’s a little bad, but bear with me. Maybe I’ll say that since I offered my house for the party, one of the other girls has to clean it all up! I’m sure I could get my friend Beth to do it... I just hope she doesn’t read this!